What you need to do
If WEEE regulations apply to your organisation, you are required to act either through registration and reporting or financing waste collection. It can seem a little daunting, but this is where we come in. Working together, we can take care of all this for you, saving time, money and energy.
- Join a WEEE compliance scheme within 28 days of when you first placed electrical items on to the market
- Report on the weight of WEEE that you’ve placed onto the UK market
- Ensure the reports categorise your WEEE correctly
- Ensure your data is as accurate as reasonably possible
- Finance a proportion of the costs for the collection, treatment and recovery of the WEEE you have placed on the market, if it exceeds the five tonne threshold
- If you are a distributor of electrical items, you also have to provide information and like-for-like WEEE take-back
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